Water is supposed to be a perfectly clear liquid. So when the water that comes out of your taps looks cloudy, it’s natural to wonder whether or not it’s safe to drink. The truth is that cloudy tap water can be caused both by natural processes that are perfectly harmless as well as by contaminants that can impact the safety of your home’s drinking water. Today we’re going to talk about the various reasons why you might have cloudy tap water and how you can determine whether or not you should be concerned about your water’s quality!
Cloudy tap water can be caused by natural processes
First let’s consider some of the harmless reasons why your home’s tap water might be cloudy, which usually come down to changes in either the temperature or pressure of the water in your home’s pipes.
From the moment water leaves your local water tower to the moment it comes out of your taps, a certain amount of pressure is applied in order to keep it flowing through city and residential pipes. It’s a fact of nature that pressurized water contains more oxygen than non-pressurized water. So when your water finally comes out of your faucets, its pressure levels go down significantly and air bubbles are released. This can make your water look cloudy temporarily when you pour it in a glass, but it should clear up relatively quickly.
Another characteristic of water is that cold water holds more oxygen than warm water. So any time that water warms up, it releases the air that built up when it was at a cooler temperature. You’ll notice this when you let a cold glass of water sit out for a bit as its temperature increases. In addition, this commonly happens during winter when it’s cold outside, because the water in your pipes is colder than usual, and it can look cloudy when it is released from your faucets. Similar to the cloudy water caused by pressure changes, cloudy water caused by temperature changes should clear up relatively quickly.
Cloudy tap water can indicate your water suffers from quality issues
Although cloudy tap water is often caused by natural processes, it can also be a symptom of water quality issues. This is more likely the case if your water remains cloudy for an extended period of time after it is released from your taps.
Perhaps the most common water quality issue that causes cloudy tap water is high turbidity. Turbidity is a measurement that describes how “clear” your water is. High turbidity is typically caused by suspended particles in your water. Although these particles themselves might not be dangerous to your health, they are a good indication that other, more dangerous contaminants are also in your water. If large particles were able to make it all the way from your water treatment plant to your faucet, then smaller particles that can affect your health have a good chance of being there as well.
If your home’s tap water has high turbidity, contact McBride’s to schedule a comprehensive water test so that we can determine exactly what types of contaminants are showing up and at what levels. After you have your results, we’ll help you choose a water treatment system to take care of your water’s specific problems and clear up your water’s appearance.
If you have any questions about why your tap water is cloudy, or if you’d like a water system serviced or installed in your home, contact McBride’s Water Advantage, your water softener and water filtration system dealer in Epsom, NH. We provide service all over New Hampshire, including towns like Allenstown, Pembroke and Concord, NH.
photo credit: nep via photopin (license)